Real estate farming and farm areas


  • Real estate farming is the process of marketing to a specific geography or audience type.
  • Agents often target neighborhoods, ZIP codes, property types, and customer segments.
  • A farm area is the geographic or audience that a real estate agent focuses on when farming.
  • Farming is a key focus area for how agents generate new leads.
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What is farming in real estate?

Real estate farming is the process of marketing to a specific geography or audience type. Agents often target neighborhoods, ZIP codes, property types, and customer segments.

What is a farm area in real estate?

A farm area is the geographic or audience that a real estate agent focuses on when farming.

Why does farming matter?

Farming is a key focus area for how agents generate new leads. A large focus of brokerage services, real estate marketing, and software resources focus on farming as a result.

What software do real estate agents use to farm?

Agents use a combination of direct mail platforms, marketing design software,  marketing platforms and customer relationship management software to target their farming. These tools allow agents to create collateral and send it to relevant farm areas offline and digitally.

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