Real estate marketing market size and statistics


  • The total value of residential real estate agent marketing in the United States is between $4.2 billion and $16.2 billion.
  • The average real estate agent spends around $12,000 in marketing each year. But the median spend is likely closer to $3,000-6,000.
  • Most agents commit 6-13% of their gross commission income to marketing.
  • The average amount of marketing spent per home sold is between $700 and $2,700.
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What is the total market size for real estate marketing in the United States?

The total value of residential real estate agent marketing in the United States is between $4.2 billion and $16.2 billion. This range represents 6-23% of total industry commissions spent on marketing to acquire and support buyers and sellers.

How much does the average real estate agent spend on marketing?

The average real estate agent spends around $12,000 in marketing each year. But the median spend is likely closer to $3,000-6,000, as luxury agents skew average marketing spend upward. Most agents commit 6-13% of their gross commission income to marketing.

What is the average amount of marketing spent per home sold?

The average amount of marketing spent per home sold is between $700 and $2,700. The amount spent marketing a home varies  based on the value and location of the home.

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